CTAF is usually unmanned. Pilots should self-announce and use see and avoid to maintain safe seperation between other traffic in the pattern.
3 / 21
Both runways are left traffic
Length: 2205 x 50 ft
(21 has a displaced threshold of 270 ft)
Gradient: 0.8% (Runway 3 is uphill)
(Runway 3 is preferred calm wind runway)
5 Clicks on 122.7
Please note that the lighting system requires that you hold the mic button for a beat to register it as a click and also give a beat inbetween clicks. Your... clicks... should... be... slow... and... methodical...
Class E
Simsbury airport is located under Class C airspace (2100 ft) in a cutout within the inner circle of BDL Class C airspace. We highly recommend contacting BDL approach for traffic advisories when flying into Simsbury Airport. Rule of thumb is to remain west of the ridgeline to stay clear of Class C airspace.
195 ft
Reliable altimeter settings can be obtained from BDL AWOS on 118.15 mhz.
1200 ft MSL
Typical pattern altitude is 1200 ft MSL.
Simsbury, CT
GPS: 41.9161944 N / 72.7769444 W
Magnetic Variation: 14°W
Time Zone: UTC -4 (UTC -5 during EST)
Runway 3
38 ft. trees, 411 ft. from runway, 150 ft. right of centerline, 6:1 slope to clear
10 ft brush on centerline, 306 ft from threshold​
Beware of turbulence from hill to the left on final approach.
Runway 21
Road 200 ft from runway on centerline.
30 ft hedgeline on far side of road, 250 ft from runway on centerline.
80 ft trees 1100 ft from runway on centerline.